After the first Siebel login page, the next screen shows error or nothing. Errors in the OM Log show following information:
SBL-UIF-50103: Web engine license information: Enabled =No, Maximum Users=0, Expiration Date=.
SBL-UIF-00369: The Web engine is not licensed for use or the license has expired.
This mostly happens after installation, or after a certain period using temporary license keys.
Root cause:
Invalid or expired license keys.Resolution:
1. Remove the invalid or expired license keys
2. Enter the correct license keys
3. Re-start the application server.
4. Login to the application to verify the fix.
More reading:
Production Down with Error SBL-UIF-50103 and Associated SBL-UIF-00369 and SBL-UIF-00335 (Doc ID 1382256.1)